Saturday, May 9, 2009

Blueberry Cheesecake Recipe Starbucks

give a chance for the future ... Born in 1989

I was here I thought all the possible gifts that I could do to my mom on Sunday (by the way, if you have forgotten it is the "Mother's Day ") when I remembered a post written and never published it because I hope many of you read about a very important subject for us both as a possible future physicians and as people.

An ethical issue that personally interests me a lot is that of abortion. I heard a lot of opinions about it and my uncertainty rather than decrease have increased exponentially over time.
For Mother's Day to propose a reflection on how many women each day reject the possibility of having a child by denying themselves a great opportunity to give their lives for selfish or maybe even for simple fear.

time ago while surfing the net I found this snippet:

"The future is always a possibility of good and you should never deny us hope. Many women are asking, give birth to a son, why? Why have hunger, cold why she comes, so that betrayed and injured, killed by war or because they die from a disease? And they deny the hope that his hunger is satisfied, that his cold is warmed, the loyalty and respect are the friends who live long groped for a clear disease and war [...]. Perhaps among those mutilated children is a great man, a great woman, a great poet or a great writer, a great musician, a great thinker, a good leader [...].
Homer was blind, Leopardi was hunchbacked, Pascal had the open skull and Roosevelt was a cripple. "

(Oriana Fallaci)

I must confess that I disagree with some ideas but I find that Oriana Fallaci testo una testimonianza molto forte.
Non aggiungo altro e spero, alla luce anche di alcune letture fatte tra i blog della blogoclasse, che queste poche righe possano sevire da spunto per una riflessione costruttiva.
Naturalmente ben venga se qualcuno vuole parlare dell'argomento con me.


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