Thursday, May 21, 2009

Older Sony 6.1 Receiver

Monte Carlo tests for the lights

I'm back!
This morning three of our fearless young men have gone to see the theater and agree with the latest technical things.
I unfortunately do not have it made to follow them in the company (in return I got the big laughs Embryology ..... but how the hell do we do?) But I've got some photos of the morning. Here they are:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sims 2 Apartment Life No Cd


I try to keep the promise of continuing to update the blog with photos and some comments made in anticipation of the tests closer to becoming a musical.
Saturday we tested the show in its entirety. We started with the tests at three and a half hours at the modest end of the seven (the previous Saturday we had done enough later.)
There are definitely some ballets to be reviewed but we begin to understand how to move. The played all right (!), The singing even if I do not know much what I think is sometimes more difficult (I myself sometimes Berci roll of the absurd). Unfortunately I have no video
nice to add to your post this time but thanks to Simon (io infatti avevo scordato la macchina fotografica a casa) posso aggiungere al post qualche foto.
Sono poche e molto semplici...nelle prossime volte cercherò di attrezzarmi meglio !

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Play Pokemon Games On Macbook

tests Friday night: the madness on "film" What

Ieri sera abbiamo deciso, dato che lo spettacolo è ormai alle porte, di provare lo spettacolo interamente (cosa che non avevamo ancora fatto).
Ci siamo trovati alle nove, ma fino alle dieci, come da buona tradizione, non siamo stati in grado di cominciare seriamente. Per far capire meglio come funzionano le nostre prove posto un video(ringrazio Lorenzo che tempestivamente helped me in this thing) I suggest you see why it is very nice.

I want to emphasize that despite the chaos (so I also speak of chaos) that exists within the group we always manage to get to the bottom of the objectives we have set.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Eagle Sports Metal Cores Sold In Su

the show begin!

Hello everyone!
These days I have been busy and I have not had much time to write but now I needed to share my enthusiasm with someone qiuindi and here I am in this great building that is the blogoclasse.
time ago in a post I wrote that I was preparing a musical with my group of friends. At that time it seemed very far very fast but the days have passed and now here I am busy all the last preparations.
I'm talking about the final preparations, but like every time we have fallen behind and now we're running as a desperate attempt to not be running out to do some nights just to finish or improve some ballet dress.
Just finished this post I have to reach the group at our rehearsal room where the clothes are still settling and making a few recordings (not in playback singing, but because the sore throat are still there and it is nice to hear me sing a hoarse voice, in recent events we decided to record the voices of the soloists ... you never know).

I am back from the tests. When I arrived (late) had already started to make clothes, but the program that Simon (the Genius of computer in office) was used to record would not hear so no one had begun to sing. In a couple of hours we managed to arrive at a good point with the costumes. We were quite tired but happy to have almost finito.Ho took some pictures with my mobile phone to add to the post.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Wilkinson Sword Beard Trimmer Pubes

Lyric for Abruzzo

Look what a beautiful video and listen beautiful song that came out of the collaboration of many Italian singers who have decided April 21 to join and to help "make their voice" to the earthquake victims in Abruzzo.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Blueberry Cheesecake Recipe Starbucks

give a chance for the future ... Born in 1989

I was here I thought all the possible gifts that I could do to my mom on Sunday (by the way, if you have forgotten it is the "Mother's Day ") when I remembered a post written and never published it because I hope many of you read about a very important subject for us both as a possible future physicians and as people.

An ethical issue that personally interests me a lot is that of abortion. I heard a lot of opinions about it and my uncertainty rather than decrease have increased exponentially over time.
For Mother's Day to propose a reflection on how many women each day reject the possibility of having a child by denying themselves a great opportunity to give their lives for selfish or maybe even for simple fear.

time ago while surfing the net I found this snippet:

"The future is always a possibility of good and you should never deny us hope. Many women are asking, give birth to a son, why? Why have hunger, cold why she comes, so that betrayed and injured, killed by war or because they die from a disease? And they deny the hope that his hunger is satisfied, that his cold is warmed, the loyalty and respect are the friends who live long groped for a clear disease and war [...]. Perhaps among those mutilated children is a great man, a great woman, a great poet or a great writer, a great musician, a great thinker, a good leader [...].
Homer was blind, Leopardi was hunchbacked, Pascal had the open skull and Roosevelt was a cripple. "

(Oriana Fallaci)

I must confess that I disagree with some ideas but I find that Oriana Fallaci testo una testimonianza molto forte.
Non aggiungo altro e spero, alla luce anche di alcune letture fatte tra i blog della blogoclasse, che queste poche righe possano sevire da spunto per una riflessione costruttiva.
Naturalmente ben venga se qualcuno vuole parlare dell'argomento con me.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Netopia Driver Ter Gusb2-n

Siccome una buona parte dei blogger appartenenti a Medicina e Chirurgia sono nati nel 1989 ho pensato di fare una breve ricerca su alcuni fatti avvenuti quell'anno...

  • Il 17 Dicembre il canale televiso Fox trasmette la prima puntata dei Simpson, cartone destinato ad un immenso successo e adorato (ormai l'avete capito) dalla sottoscritta. La serie, che racconta la vicenda Simpson family (Homer and Marge's parents, Lisa, Bart and Maggie children), is actually an ironic representation of the American lifestyle.

  • In Beijing, a student demonstration in Tiananmen Square, which lasted for over a month, ends in tragedy: the Communist regime believed that young people are manipulated by a foreign power, and ordered the army to use force. Although still not confirmed the death toll, according to various sources over 400 civilians were killed.

  • The falls on November 9, metaphorically and physically, the wall that divides into two by 1961 Berlin (and, similarly, both Germany as Europe). A little later will be reopened Brandenburger Tor (Brandenburg Gate), a historical monument has become the symbol of German unity. Pink Floyd organized for the occasion, the famous concert "The Wall".

  • debut Blob, all more " television program created by Marco Giusti and Enrico Ghezzi, after 20 years is still on television. If you've never seen this is a montage of clips taken from various audio and video transmissions, which results in a satire of the political landscape-Italian television.
  • On March 13 the document "World Wide Web: Summary" is presented by Tim Berners-Lee. This data is used to indicate the birth of the Internet.
  • April 21 - Begins marketing the portable console will be 'the most' sold to the world: the Game Boy.
  • July 15 in Venice I play Pink Floyd in Piazza San Marco, in a free concert before an estimated crowd of 200,000 people.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Email Mailing Lists Sale

I'm back after a week of trials and hardship.
Over the past 4 days I had serious problems of inspiration and my computer certainly has not worked (password lost, search fails ...).
But now we move on to post!

Until the beginning of this semester I would not even remotely wanted you to run a blog. I like to surf the web and discover useful sites and to observe all things provided by the Internet. And the point is this: until the beginning of March, I looked and nothing else, I always felt like a spectator, a "passive component" of the Web 2.o.
I chose this because the examination arrangements, while not considering it a necessary thing for me, I was certain, however, including past experience, that the only way to improve my computer skills were just what to prove myself with this world (internet is really one of the few things that are impossible to learn from books!).
Initially I felt a bit 'lost, as if I were suddenly Come out in a field of battle. The hardest thing in the first post was to get used to say something, to express myself, not knowing who would read what I wrote, what he thought the victim, etc. ...
The beauty of the experience of having started the blog in a group, the blogoclasse, is that despite my initial confusion was aware that it is not the only one to feel like that.
I knew a lot of people reading their thoughts and I discovered new things about old friends. I learned a lot by reading other blogs (there are some very cute).

I have to admit that there have been times when I felt unable to spend time to get ad alcuna conclusione (ho scritto tanti post senza poi pubblicarli) e momenti in cui il computer ha rischiato di essere distrutto dalla mia ira, momenti di poca ispirazione e tanti altri momenti bui .

Stretta la foglia, larga la via, dite la vostra che io ho detto la mia
(non sapevo come concludere...questa frase mi è stata suggerita da un amico quindi non me ne prendo la responsabilità)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Where Buy Wella Touch

Forza Venite Gente

Ciao a tutti !!!

Con il post di stasera volevo invitarvi ad uno spettacolo che farò con la mia Compagnia teatrale, di cui ho già parlato in un vecchio post , a Montecarlo di Lucca.
Lo spettacolo si terrà il giorno 29 MAGGIO alle ore 21:00 al Teatro dei Rassicurati del piccolo paese.
Si tratta di un musical che abbiamo già portato in scena in diverse occasioni:
Con questo abbiamo cominciato la nostra avventura ormai 5 anni fa.
La trama ripercorre le tappe più importanti della vita di San Francesco d'Assisi in modo molto simpatico ed originale.
L'entrata è ad offerta libera e il ricavato sarà devoluto ad un'associazione di Lucca ("I Baluardi") che ci ha aiutato, con la collaborazione del Comune, a preparare tutto il necessario per la serata.