Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Can I Get Birth Control At A Walk In Clinic

Hospital in Round

Unfortunately this last week I was not very present both in the blog posts on the internet in general ... in fact they are overwhelmed by and study commitments and the time that I switch to the computer has been reduced dramatically. I wanted anyway rendervi partecipi della bella esperienza fatta oggi in ospedale a Ponte a Niccheri.
Sempre per motivi di tempo ho copiato e incollato il report fatto per "M'Illumino d'Immenso" quindi potrebbero esserci cose non molto bene comprensibili.Se foste curiosi di qualcosa o se volete saperne di più basta che mi scriviate nei commenti o sulla shoutbox e sarò felicissima di rispondervi.

Ecco il report:
Stamattina mi sono alzata davvero felice.
Finalmente sono riuscita a trovare il tempo e le forze per fare un turno con il mitico e saggio Formaggino.
Prima di varcare le porte dell'ospedale ero molto preoccupata. Infatti erano passati molti mesi dal mio ultimo turno in ospedale e mi sentivo un po' come se fosse la prima volta.
Formaggino as usual, very kind to me supported and helped to take off.
The first department that we visited was pediatrics, where there were three guys who had to operate in the short, two small children (beautiful) and a girl with high fever named Chiara. This impressed me very much. When we arrived we avoided asleep and wake her up. Going away from the ward, we saw that she woke up and cried and tried to cheer her up with a song. While we played we stared amazed with his big blue eyes and sweet.

After we moved in pediatric dialysis. I knew a lot of people and reviewed old friends that I hoped to meet again with all my heart. I was happy to know Franco (who told me of the achievements made and Broken Hearts "as a youth), Eleanor (I think the name is right ... tonight I'm just out) with whom we spoke of the famous garden that Mary and Sandro have grown following his advice.
I feel that I was much enriched by this experience, especially of glances, smiles, words (not to mention the tips saggissimi cheese).


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