Sunday, June 21, 2009

Chapstick Containers To Sell

Be Funky

Wandering Internet I found a very nice site that lets you convert your photos or any image found on the web utillizzando strange effects (there's a great that you can "cartonizzarle). The most advantageous thing is that there is no need to install programmi o di registrarsi ed è facilissimo da usare, ragion per cui vi risparmierò le mie guide.
Il nome del sito è:

Mi sono divertita a mettere insieme un po' di prove di possibili effetti che si possono avere utilizzando come modello il mio bellissimo cane. Eccolo qui :

Friday, June 19, 2009

Digital Prism Tvsupport

News Abruzzo

Non voglio assolutamente che il mio blog venga "imbrattato" da discorsi di tipo politico anche perchè non sono assolutamente brava a disquisire su cosa sia giusto e su cosa non sia giusto, ho provato un grande imbarazzo ad andare a votare nelle elezioni degli ultimi due anni e purtroppo non riesco even to be proactive in this area.

However I'd like you found three seconds of time to give a 'peek at this:

Unfortunately we are not very well informed about what is happening in the Abruzzo region in recent times and it works well for many many many other things. As I wrote in other posts or in comments on other blogs I firmly believe that information regarding the absolute truth can not exist (each of us draw the things he sees and hears and repeats the other one and only in accordance with his vision) and that the best thing sia proprio quella di informarsi sui fatti che c'interessano utilizzando il numero di fonti più ampio possibile (specialmente prima di giudicare in maniera sbagliata) .

Abbiamo un sacco di mezzi d'informazione intorno a noi, specialmente su internet , e spesso ci accontentiamo della televisione e di qualche giornale che il più delle volte ci offrono una visione forse un po' troppo distorta della realtà.

Nuvola è stato in Abruzzo e ci permette di leggere la sua versione dei fatti.

Vi consiglio di leggerla...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fingerprint Inside Lens


La PNL è una disciplina che nasce a metà degli anni '70 grazie alle menti di Richard Bandler e John Grinder.
I suoi principi si basano sull'analisi and the study of the great intellects of all time, to understand what are the first maps and mechanisms implemented by these individuals to achieve extraordinary results, and then learn to imitate them.
The creators of the GNP have not only studied what they do "the best", but have focused on how to get their results.
They found that success has a structure (according to them there is the recipe for success!) And this structure is simply the result of thought patterns that once in a systematized set of methods and techniques can be used by anyone.
E 'can then imitate the thinking strategies of excellent individuals, and in this way, access best resources available to our intelligence.
The process of study and imitation of successful strategies is called modeling.
This is to try to create a template, a pattern to be followed by analyzing the behavior of a person who apparently has a greater success of others in a particular area. The model is then proposed to others who can use it in certain situations.

Pilote Rotronic Model 12.02.1086

The olfactory memory

"More subtle but more vivid, more materials, more persistent, more faithful, the smell and taste, long time still remain, like souls, remembering, waiting, hoping, over the ruin of all the rest taking their drop quasi impalpabile, senza vacillare, l'immenso edificio del ricordo"

- Marcel Proust -

Vista e udito sono i canali sensoriali principali, ma i ricordi non si fondano esclusivamente su questi due. La memoria di un evento è infatti suddivisa nel nostro cervello tra diverse zone che regolano le percezioni sensoriali. Se uno dei nostri sensi viene stimolato a richiamare un ricordo, anche i ricordi relativi agli altri sensi riemergono immediatamente. In questo modo si spiega perchè un profumo o un sapore a noi familiare ha la capacità di riportarci alla mente un suono o un'immagine molto precisa. La memoria olfattiva in particolare associa ad un odore un'immagine emozionale e, anche quando questo odore ricompare dopo anni, riporta lo stato d'animo che vi si associava.
Alcuni sostengono l'uso di un supporto olfattivo alla memorizzazione. Sentire profumi e odori potrebbe agevolare il ricordo di quanto studiato.

Come procedere concretamente?

Se un concetto non rimane in mente (come per esempio l'eritropoiesi che sto facendo oggi e che mi sembra davvero un gran casino) se voglio utilizzare la mia memoria olfattiva, dovrei riempire di profumo la stanza e riportare alla mente quell'odore al momento dell'esame.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Toddler Ate Tree Light Bulb

Charlie Spencer Chaplin is one of the most interesting characters in film history. He was born in London in 1889. His life was not easy since birth. When he was only one year his parents divorced, and the climate of poverty in which he lived became increasingly evident. His father died when Charlie was 12 years old, his mother, suffering from mental disorder, was admitted to a hospital.
Only five years have showed a lot of talent, and thus became part of a real theater company.
In 1907 he worked in a circus where he learned the art of expression without using the words that made him so famous. Virtuoso of
pantonimia could communicate with the public with facial expressions that were able to excite the audience more than any dialogue.
In 1914 he began his film career and was born the famous Charlot, at the dawn very different from the character we all know clumsy and very tender.

fact, it was unconventional, sometimes scornfully. The same Charlie said that initially the only considerva a satirical figure. The pants were a rebellion against conventions. The whiskers showed the vanity of man, his hat and stick attempts to dignity, his boots impediments that hampered him forever.

Chaplin won two Oscars for his career and was able to leave the world of timeless masterpieces, but they do smile at the same time to reflect.

Chaplin's character is emblematic in this regard: poor, awkward, unlucky, but nevertheless always ready to do good and show a dignity and nobility of spirit moving.

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we noiiiiii Tuscany Tuscany Tuscany oooeeooo we are we are only noiiiii !!!!!!
Yesterday was a historic day for the glorious red and white army, bubbles Football Club win in Riccione, but always hot magic Opes Regional Championship title, a title this year extremely difficult field, and as three semi-finalists on four teams were in Tuscany.
then the bubbles come to the right among the greatest teams in history dell'Opes, after the era of the Medici family are now the bubbles Football Club to reign on the Grand Duchy of Tuscany!
Unfortunately, it is not the icing on the cake of victory in the finals of the tournament Eurosport against Steaua Bucharest, which unfortunately has seen the final Bubbles emergency cmq but according to its promoters was the best final of the tournament's history, the final that no team had ever raggiunto.Ma Tuscan look back with this wonderful way ..... immediately Bubbles in a group of death which is, however, exceeded gaining fluency in three wins out of three!! The Red Devils also exceed the first round, our nemesis in the previous two editions and then play in the final eighth of a wonderful night trouncing opponents with a sharp 5a2!
And who could meet in the quarter ... for the third consecutive year the champions of Perugia, this time on a Sunday ... Lunatica (the match was played at 8e30 do you bump up against the wall ....) white and red, and Bubbles greet the tournament ..... 3a2-Perugia .... what it 'so nice this Sunday' moody
eheheheh what it 'nice this reckless life!!
And so to the semifinals, a game of your dreams, the game that all Italy was waiting for the ... challenge traditionally stops the city of Prato, the game that some consider to Badie "one of the things you must do before you die", the derby between St Just and Bubbles: The Superclasico.Match that gave us strong emotions and played by the Bubbles in a superlative way, showing all Riccione what are the quality of our children: technique, heart, square balls and sweat, mix together and comes out Bubbles 3a2-San Giusto, San Giusto congratulations to the outgoing regional champion and recently won the championship Prato, Honor and Glory to the new Champions of Toscani Bubbles Football Club
... And here we are in the final match played by the boys giving it all of Mr. Pippin, a team honored by the final who gave everything unstintingly, and giving us a lot of emotions that only manages to produce this shirt, thanks guys, congratulations to Steaua Bucharest, thanks to the great audience who has supported us in the final minutes from start to finish !!!!!
And now we're going to submit one by one the authors of the historical enterprise:
STEPHEN BOVE: The Wall at the back or as he says at one point the great Charles De San Giusto ".. this Today even the pins para .. "
FRANCO: The Fabio Cannavaro of Bubbles, the strongest defender I've ever seen him play but also a leader on and off the field.
: a phenomenon in front of goal, that sin is injured in the quarter-finals prior to the accident ... had a deluge of goals unique and thrilling experience!
: core of this city, the bubbles of Totti, the Badie Badiino of the boyfriend that everyone wants their child to a race .... the one with the San Giusto from the film archive ... THANK YOU LUKE!
VIEW: MAGICIAN OF EL FUTSAL that ignites the play with his fans, a unique player, Guardiola of the Lawn, champions in the field, amazing coach, goalkeeper magic ... speechless!
The Extra-Terrestrial: Gigi thanks for what you gave in the field despite his knee to pieces, thank you for helping us to become number one!
PUMA: Puma Immense, a great tournament for our hero, let it be Puma arbitrage, you still have much to give as a player!
LUKE BROWN: Thank you for trying, thank you for being always close to the team, which now rested in a while 'is again .....!!!
: One, there is only one Captain Captain !!!!!!!!!
: Excellent tournament Enzino, in great shape .... Enzino six best glue!!
: We've tried, unfortunately with this injury could not do more .... Antonio Cassano W!
And now we speak of the great VIII Pippin, Prince of Bagnolo and the great architects of the triumph of white and red, what about David, you were called on Europe to win and you win, you have indeed swept, two out of three tituli your booty, At this point we are trying to win the national nooooo?? A round of applause also to the fantastic Pippin Elijah and Jonah Ultras small grass .... a round of applause also goes to the dentist Pepin, nice work ... and a round of applause also goes to the account of the lunch on Saturday ... ... 797 Euri LECCAMELO!!
And now cheers for award-winning company Gabry & Dave (fabulous managers) and for our Sarina very accurate in the notes, have contributed with their work so that everything went smooth, thanks also goes to our fans in tow, Francis Thesis, the big fan / manager James, Karpetta, Franco Pacini .... So thank you all for sharing with us this historic achievement!!
result that I dedicate to you all, and even those who "followed" in this adventure over the years but especially dedicated to our president who unfortunately was unable to come but with the heart was always present.

Thanks Guys !!!!!

PS ... in the coming days and Bubbles Channel on Sky Sports 1 will broadcast the film "Bubbles Football Club Tuscany is us!" the film's official Riccione 2009 ...... an early anticipation can be found on Want To Know What Love Is ..... ....... dale dale dale Bubbles !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Can I Get Birth Control At A Walk In Clinic

Hospital in Round

Unfortunately this last week I was not very present both in the blog posts on the internet in general ... in fact they are overwhelmed by and study commitments and the time that I switch to the computer has been reduced dramatically. I wanted anyway rendervi partecipi della bella esperienza fatta oggi in ospedale a Ponte a Niccheri.
Sempre per motivi di tempo ho copiato e incollato il report fatto per "M'Illumino d'Immenso" quindi potrebbero esserci cose non molto bene comprensibili.Se foste curiosi di qualcosa o se volete saperne di più basta che mi scriviate nei commenti o sulla shoutbox e sarò felicissima di rispondervi.

Ecco il report:
Stamattina mi sono alzata davvero felice.
Finalmente sono riuscita a trovare il tempo e le forze per fare un turno con il mitico e saggio Formaggino.
Prima di varcare le porte dell'ospedale ero molto preoccupata. Infatti erano passati molti mesi dal mio ultimo turno in ospedale e mi sentivo un po' come se fosse la prima volta.
Formaggino as usual, very kind to me supported and helped to take off.
The first department that we visited was pediatrics, where there were three guys who had to operate in the short, two small children (beautiful) and a girl with high fever named Chiara. This impressed me very much. When we arrived we avoided asleep and wake her up. Going away from the ward, we saw that she woke up and cried and tried to cheer her up with a song. While we played we stared amazed with his big blue eyes and sweet.

After we moved in pediatric dialysis. I knew a lot of people and reviewed old friends that I hoped to meet again with all my heart. I was happy to know Franco (who told me of the achievements made and Broken Hearts "as a youth), Eleanor (I think the name is right ... tonight I'm just out) with whom we spoke of the famous garden that Mary and Sandro have grown following his advice.
I feel that I was much enriched by this experience, especially of glances, smiles, words (not to mention the tips saggissimi cheese).

Monday, June 1, 2009

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all in Riccione !!!!!!

After a long period of silence can speak again to the Special One and he does an interview that will discuss but surely galvanize the red and white army concentrated on the tournament Romagna, an interview that releases all the love that the Special One has for the bubbles. All this when there
now very little at the start of our heroes to Riccione, Riccione one that is already dreaming as always of Badie all the fans who are preparing to invade the town in mass Romagna.
Riccione is our home ..... and Pippin is our General !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS Jonah and Elijah eye to the nun .....

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The results of our work fun

Here I am!
I finally manage to have a moment to write. The past week has been a part of their particular ... I look forward to arriving in the evening of the show, on the other I felt a bit 'scared, not quite ready to find out what the results could be reached after weeks and weeks of tests. How
after each grueling wait, the curtain opened and the show began. The
there have been moments of panic but it was really a very nice experience.
And the best thing was not performing on stage but notice that after only five years we are no longer just friends having fun in a slightly 'alternative and to make extravagant musical but a beautiful group of which I could never do without.
After the performance the atmosphere was wonderful. We laughed, joked and I personally, I felt right at home.
As always I made a small collection of photos (I have many). In my opinion, sometimes the pictures can communicate much more than words and, since I do not want to bore anyone here is the presentation: